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Saturday, July 14, 2007

Beautiful Saturday Morning!

What a beautiful morning it is! The fog has burned off, and the sun is shining, birds are singing... John and Nan are off to Gilbertsville to fly his plane. He is practicing take off and landings for the air show next week. They are have a show of remote controlled planes, all types for three days. Today is Garage Sale Day here in West Oneonta. I may just take a walk around and see how many people are having one and what they are selling.

Happy Birthday to Karen! Your not getting older, but better. Have a safe and happy birthday cousin.

Up date on Dr. Joan, she is better and getting around more. Great to hear, I hope her recovery speeds along quickly.

I have not spoken with Alice yet, but I will give her a call and see how she is recovering and what caused the fall. Get well soon please.

Shelly and I went to see Harry Potter 5 yesterday. Good Movie! It did not have as much in it as the book did though. The other movies, I think, contained as much as the books did, but this one did not. It had good action scenes and great graphics. It is a must see for all you Harry Potter fans, and even if your not one.

The last book is coming out at midnight on Friday, I am going to go over with Shelly and get our copies. I will most likely start reading it then too. JK Rowling is such a good writer and this is such a good series. I recommend it to people who enjoy light reading. It is about good and evil and the struggle of over coming adversity in ones life. Don't look at it as witches and wizards, that is just a background thing. It is about life and the struggles of 3 teenagers growing up with life's challenges and adventures.

Well, today is going to be working on school work. I really need to get the class done. John and I did the lawn Thursday and Friday, so it is done for the weekend. Nothing really pressing needs to be done, so school work it is.

Nancy told me about joining MSN messenger, aka Windows Live, Joseph recommended it to her, then she told me about it. I downloaded it, and it is great. They have good graphics and it is easy to use. I will maintain my AIM site also, for I know many people who are on that one. It is just getting use to something new, which sometimes is not so easy for us older people who do not relate to change easy. I invite all who wish to join us on MSN messenger, to come over and take a look. http://www.msn.com/ My address for the site is joanne.boman@hotmail.com

I will be maintaining my regular mail site that everyone has now, joannboman@stny.rr.com, so if you have my address, great if not please take note of it. If anyone is on the MSN messenger site already, please let me know.

I will update as thing become more interesting, so I say my goodbyes for now.

You are all always in my thoughts and my prayers. Keep Safe and Healthy!

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