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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Over the Hump Day

It is Wednesday! The week is more than half over. 9 hrs tomorrow and 4 on Friday. I can not wait!

Well, it looks like the pain in my calf may be a nerve problem stemming from who knows where. MRI on Friday then EMG's on Aug 1st.. Then it is back to see Melissa in the office.
Grin and Bear.

It is getting closer to Diane's wedding and she is out shopping for food today. She told me that a group of ladies will be cooking all day Friday for the reception on Saturday. She asked me yesterday if I could make Swedish meatballs for over 100 people for Saturday. I told her no way, I did not have enough time to make that many. I would have to make 25-30 pounds of meat and it would take about 10 hours to cook that much. She understood but just thought of it. If she had given me some notice, I may have done it for her.

Nan is out working on her gardens, they look so good. She is also feeding all the the flowers. When she feeds them they become so vibrant and grow like weeds.

John is working on his burn barrel heater, which seems to be working pretty good. Now it is finding wood to burn.

I worked in Oneonta for about an hour today. It was good to get home at 3:40 instead of 4:15.

John and I were talking about what plane dad flew in during WWII. I was looking up on the Navy site and gave the information to John so he can follow through. I found some photos of dad and they are in one of my albums under Joanne's photos listed in the right column of the blog. If you want any photos of him or of mom and dad, see the album.

This is going to be a short post so I will update most likely on Saturday after Diane's wedding reception. The post will include Photos! Until then, everyone please stay safe and healthy.

As always, you remain in my thoughts and prayers.

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