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Friday, August 31, 2007

Friday, and a day off.

Today is Friday and I have the day off! It has been a very busy day. I took the solar cover off the pool and began washing it, boy is it dirty. I am only washing half the cover at a time. I am letting one half dry before I wash the other half. There are a lot of leaves in the pool, which I need to vacuum out before I put the cover on, then I will drop the water level down and winterize the water. Come to think of it I do not have the winterize, aka antifreeze, for the winter, all I have is the algicide, oh well I guess the final closing will have to wait until I get the winterizer.

It has been sunny here since about 11 am. They say the weekend is going to be beautiful. Very sunny and in the low to mid 70's. My kind of weather. The leaves are changing a bit quicker now. September is tomorrow already. How time is flying.

Well, there have been men working on the bridge all day long. I have no idea what they are doing to the bridge, they are working underneath it, but there has been a lot of cutting, etc.

I spoke with Andy today, his sister Ro has started Chemotherapy on this past Monday. They do not expect her to have too long, even with the chemo. I pray God gives her the special time she needs to get everything done she wants to do. I am glad she has Andy to help her and to lean on. Please say a special prayer for her and her family.

He sent me an email I would like to share with all of you.

Q: What is the shortest chapter in the Bible? A: Psalms 117
Q: What is the longest chapter in the Bible? A: Psalms 119
Q: Which chapter is in the center of the Bible? A: Psalms 118

Fact: There are 594 chapters before Psalms 118
Fact: There are 594 chapters after Psalms 118

Add these numbers up and you get 1188
Q: What is the center verse in the Bible?

A: Psalms 118:8
Q: Does this verse say something significant about God's perfect will for our lives?

The next time someone says they would like to find God's perfect will for their lives and that they want to be in the center of His will, just send them to the center of His Word!

Psalms 118:8

"It is better to trust in the LORD, than to put confidence in man."

Now isn't that odd how this worked out (or was God in the center of it)?
Before sending this, I said a prayer for you. Got a minute? 60 seconds for God? All you do is say a small prayer for the person who sent you this........

"Father God bless my friend in whatever it is that you know he/she may be needing this day! And may his/her life be full of your peace, prosperity and power as he/she seeks to have a closer relationship with You.”


This is so true. this is why I decided to pass it on to those who read this post. Having the Lord in your life will make a difference.

Diana and John went to the State Fair yesterday. They had such a good time. I watched over Evie for Diana. We had dinner together after I got home from work. I took the dogs out and then watched the news with her. We had a good time.

I talked with Diane (my sister) the beginning of the week, and nothing is new with her.

Chris, Kim, and Kiersten went to school this week to meet her teacher. Kim said that she met the teacher and spoke with her for a short time, then went and played. Kim and Chris both spoke with the teacher asking her many questions. From what I gathered, they all had a great time. I honestly think Kiersten will enjoy school very much.

David will have a lot of mommy time when she starts school. He will miss his sister so much, but he will enjoy the extra mommy time.

I hope that John and Nancy are having a good time in PA. Love to everyone there.
I am going to close now, the solar cover must be dry by now and I have to vacuum the pool and get the cover on before dark. As usual, it is windy again. It never fails, it is always windy when I close the pool. This has happened every year since '89.
As always, everyone remains in my thoughts and prayers. Please stay happy, healthy, and safe.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Another Short Weekend

Have a cup of happiness and love.

Here it is, another weekend that just feels too short. Yesterday, as always, I only worked a half day. I did some running around and picked up Shelly. She wanted to come down and work on her computer putting in applications for jobs. Apparently, she had some problems with a worker/trainer at Dunkin Donuts and her boss did not want to do anything about it. Her boss apparently lets quite a bit slide, including complaints from customers about this worker. So she decided rather than keep herself in a bad situation, she would leave. She gave her 2 weeks notice on Tuesday, and by the time she left on Friday, her boss told her she did not have to come back, that she hired her new replacement already. Nice way to run a business, maybe her boss should know how her managers are running their stores.

More leaves are turning it seems. When I leave work, I can see the changes in the trees. Of course they are more apparent over by Hobart than they are here. Our trees in West Oneonta are just starting to get the yellow and red hews to them. It is suppose to be 90+ here today and they are saying this is our Indian Summer, which means that fall is just a stones throw away!

I am looking forward to next week, it is only a 4 day week and a LONG weekend.

I am still trying to get caught up with school and trying to get my house cleaned. I got a small jump on it on Friday when Shelly was here, but there is still so much to do and a lot of unloading of things I DO NOT NEED! My garbage men will not be happy with all the stuff I plan on getting rid of.

I need to check on the chemicals I have for the pool to close it. Temps this week, from Tuesday on, will be getting lower and night temps will be in the mid 40's. This is not enough to keep the temp up on the pool for swimming. Right now the temp in the pool is 67, cold. Maybe I will just throw the winter cover on until I get all the chemical together, at least that will keep the leaves and apples out of the pool, but we will see. If I throw the cover on without doing the chemicals, I will still need to filter it until the chemicals are added in. I still need to talk with John first and get his imput since it is his pool.

Diane and Michael celebrated their 1st month wedding anniversary at the Tally Ho restaurant. She got the wedding party together and they all went to dinner. I hope they all had a good time.

Amy and Jason have finally decided to get married on February 16, 2007. She decided that trying to do a wedding on a Thursday was crazy, especially since everyone had to work on Friday. I still think she should do a small intimate family wedding then have a party in the summer for extended family and friends, but it is up to Amy and Jason how they want to do it, no one else.

Well, cars sure do get expensive for regular maintaince. I had a noise in the front end and John thought it might be CV joint, brakes, or tires rubbing. Well, it turned out to be brakes. I called Otsego Automotive and they were able to get me in today at 1. When the tech looked at the brakes, there was the problem. Rust corrosion -rotors-Pads worn, sliders seizing. What they did is replace disc rotors, remove caliper slides, clean them, freeup pins. Cost me 280.63, but at least the car is safe. I do not know how long it has been that way, but now it is done.

Other wise, it has been a very uneventful week. My gladiolas are looking beautiful. I cut most of them and put them on the coffee table in the living room. Everyday, I try to add to them.

This was a short and to the point post for this week. I hope everyone has a good weekend. Safe traveling for Chris and Kim, and John and Nancy.

As always, you all remain in my thoughts and prayers. Love to all.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Happy Birthday Mackenzie & David!

Happy Birthday to David and Mackenzie. Today Mackenzie is 5 years old and David is 3 years old. Boy, are they growing up fast. Mackenzie will be going in to Kindergarten in September.

Yesterday David had a family birthday party. It was fun and he received a ton of great things. Grandma and Grandpa, Aunt Jo, Nanny and Poppy, and Brandon all came down for the party. Kim made a fun cake. It had lots of monster trucks on it.

I hope Mackenzie is having a good time for her birthday also.

My garden out front has beautiful gladiolas in it. Everything is starting to die off. We are having nights in the low to mid 40's. I noticed the trees are getting a yellow hue to them now. It will not be long before they start to change. As soon as they do, I will start to include them in my blog.

The weather is going to be around 69 degrees today and partly cloudy. Looks like a chance of rain every afternoon this week. We may even get up to 82 by Friday, but cool nights.

The pool is down to 66 degrees, and I do not think we will have enough warm weather to keep the temperature up at night with out using the heater every day. I am thinking about when to close it, Labor Day weekend, but it will be up to John as to the final decision. My neighbor already took hers down. Her pool is in the picture on the left. She has a smaller pool and could not keep the temperature up without a heater and her pool is in the direct sun all day long. Days are definitely getting shorter. Now the shadows in the evening are on the garage at 6:30 pm. We are definitely heading for fall. The stores have all their fall stuff out and they are getting ready for Halloween, can you believe it! Next they will have a small section for Thanksgiving, and by the end of September I would not doubt that they will have Christmas out (which is definitely too early).

September is going to be a good time for a wedding. Best of wishes to the couple who is getting married in the month of September. Take lots of pictures! I promise I will not spill the beans of who is, but everyone already knows. I hope you both have a long, happy and loving life together. This is suppose to be the Happiest time of your life. Enjoy it and remember I am your friend, whether you want to believe it or not.

I just heard from Andy, he just found out his sister has terminal cancer. They only give her 3-6 months. She had no prior warning. The Dr. thought she had pneumonia and when that did not clear with antibiotics, the did some follow-up testing; that is when they found it. Please say a prayer for her and her family.

The shower was great. I got to see many people I have not seen in a long time. The barbecue was delicious! The shower was so much fun. Ruth got so many wonderful gifts. I really think everyone had a great time.

As always, you all are always in my thoughts and prayers. Love to everyone and stay happy, healthy and safe.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Happy Anniversary Chris and Kim!

Happy Anniversary to both of you! Ten years of marriage and 2 beautiful children.

Today is Thursday and my week at work is OVER, thank goodness. It is going to be a busy weekend. I am going to David's 3rd Birthday Party. It is hard to believe he is going to be three years old already! Kids just grow up too fast.

Then on Sunday it is off to a Bridal Shower. I am looking forward to seeing everyone at the shower. Ruth is such a beautiful person and she will make a great wife. They are getting married in November this year.

The trees are going to start to turn faster now. The temperatures are suppose to only be in the 60's on Saturday and at night, temps will be in the 40's. This should trigger the trees to begin to turn. It is hard to believe that the summer was so short. Only a few days in the 80's most of the summer was in the 70's. We hardly had time to swim.

I have not seen many geese this year. I don't know why, even a lot of the small animals are gone too. I don't know if the coyote's are attacking and killing them. I have heard them at night howling on the hills. I know conservation is giving permission to shoot the coyote's to many hunters and farmers. They have taken so many deer and fawns. Bunnies have been no where to be found around here, I have not even seen any groundhogs, skunks, possums, even raccoons out.

Everyone take care. You are all in my thoughts often. Please stay safe and healthy!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Happy Birthday Nancy!

Saturday was Nancy's Birthday. It was a fun day.

The mail man delivered a gift from Chris, Kim and the kids just before they went to lunch. It was the neatest picture frame. It allows pictures to be shown in a slide show over and over. Chris preloaded the slide show before he sent it. There were pictures we had never seen. You can add pictures from the computer, flash drive, and camera. Nancy was thrilled with it. Great Gift Idea!!!!

John and Nan went to lunch and I went to Home Depot, forgot some things John needed to put in a new electric box.

We had Baked Macaroni and Cheese for dinner, something we all love. Then we had cake, chocolate on chocolate and Nan's favorite.

Diane called and asked what I was doing at 1 pm Sunday. I told her it was not Sunday yet. Sunday's I usually do laundry, school work and watch racing along with any other odds and ends I could not get done on Saturday. Especially this week, since I tore my house apart and moved things around. Next week I can't do it because it is David's birthday and I am going to his party on Saturday. She said she had some more wedding pictures she wanted me to see and there was someone she wanted me to meet. I hate blind dates! She told me it was Michael's brother Steve, whom I met at their wedding. He had been asking questions about me. He is 46 and retired Army. That is all she told me. I was never formally introduced to him, but deducted it was Michael's brother when he and I walked Diane down the isle. I am going to think of this as just meeting them for lunch. I feel to uncomfortable thing of it any other way, since it has been a long time since I dated, and I have not been looking for a date.

Had a good time at lunch today, Sunday. Formally met Steve. He is a very nice man. We spoke for a time while waiting for Diane and Michael to arrive. He is a very interesting person. Very knowledgeable. I had a good time. Diane also brought some more of her wedding photos. Most I have seen, but there were a few new ones. They wanted me to walk the mall with them, but I had to get back. I have been keeping an eye of Evie for Diana while they were away for the afternoon. I feel guilty being away too long.

Diane and Michael, thanks for lunch. Steve thanks for your company, I had a great time.

When I got home, I planted the mums I bought on Saturday. They needed to get into the ground. I also worked for a short time on my Accounting homework. Then it is up to cleaning up my house. I am tired to tripping over everything.

This is going to be a long week, with not enough time in it to get things done. I have to pick up a gift for Mackenzie, her birthday is Sunday also and I do not know when I will see her.

Well, this is a short note and I have so much to do.

I will keep everyone in my prayers, Please be safe and stay healthy. As always, you will remain always in my thoughts.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

The week is half over!!!!

This was sent to me a while ago and thought you might enjoy this picture.

As in the title, the week is half over now. I am so glad. What is really scary is that I am seeing more and more leaves changing. It is really hot here. The dew point is 70 right now which is a better indicator of the moister in the air than the humidity indicator. It is pretty windy right now, with no rain in site.

Went to see Melissa today. MRI shows just what I thought it would show, same as before, 2 discs are dead, but the bones are not touching yet, when they do, I will know it. I will live with it just as I have been. The nerve in the leg is occluded and they think it may be do to a build up of pressure in the muscle. I will be seeing Cicoria in 2 weeks and discuss the problem with him.

I received my last class in the mail today. It feels weird to think I will be graduating as soon as I am done with the class. I still have 2 lessons left in the accounting book, but hope to get that done this weekend along with the project she put on the last page.

I see my yellow finch is out on the feeder right outside the window. I love to watch the birds eating the food from the feeder.

This is going to be a short post, I am tired and will be going to relax out on the swing for a while. I know it is hot, but the wind should cool me down while I swing.

As always, everyone is on my mind and in my prayers. Everyone stay safe and healthy. Love to all.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Beautiful Saturday

What a beautiful Saturday today is. I started out with getting up to fog, not bad, the sun was starting to poke through. It was cool about 63 and it looked to be a nice day.

Went over to Wally-world to get my usual shopping done. When I came home, I make a nice large cup of tea and took my computer and donut out to the swing. I sat there for quite a long time. It was so nice, the sun was out and everything was so green. I just relaxed, looked through my e-mails and other Internet usual. I just soaked in the relaxing time.

Yesterday I left work early to come home and help John. Work was slow, so I took 2 hrs personal time. John and I built five doors for the bathrooms at his church. The church was damaged in the flooding in June 2006. The day before it was the partitions. It took longer than we thought. We both went up to the church to hang them, but he ended up having help already.

The doors look good. I helped Pastor hang the men's room main door, and finished what John needed me to do. Then I came home. Tried to clean up what I could before the rains came again. My new Canopy helped out really well. It kept the table saw and miter saw dry along with all the wood and hand tools.

This was Nancy's classroom at the church. As you can see, the water was up very high in the basement. The basement had to be totally gutted and all new wood and sheet rock needed to be installed.

They have still not been able to use the classrooms downstairs yet. A lot of work still needs to be done. Please say a prayer that the work will move along quickly.

Diane and Amy have been watch the kids while Kim has been working. Both of them were so happy to see Grandma and Aunt Amy again. They missed them so much.

Great news, Timmy won his heat on Thursday at the demo derby. Roger took third place in his heat. They both were scheduled to run the feature, but they heard 4 other drivers making plans to make sure Roger did not last long. Roger knows how to build winning cars and has proved that many time over with all the first place trophies. It is bad when you can not compete fairly, you have to be just like the bully in school, get your friends to help make sure you win by force. They both decided not to compete in the feature and save the cars for another day, even though Tim's is bent like a banana right now. Tim will be driving Johns old Ford in Sundays demo derby. A Ford with a Dodge engine and transmission. Should be interesting. Good luck Timmy!!!

Two more lessons left on the Accounting class, then I start my last class before graduation. I am hoping to finish by the end of September or beginning of October. I can not wait till it is all over with. I am looking forward to down time. Back to my reading and counted cross stitching. I have been doing school for 4 years now and want to finish it soon. I really think my mom would be proud. She wanted me to go to college so bad while she was alive. I just want to for fill her dream for me, and myself.

While driving home on Friday, I saw a few trees with the beginning of turning yellow. About a sixth of the tree was yellow. The first signs of the approach of fall, even though we still have a month and a half to go until fall starts. I am now surprised that some of the trees are starting to turn. This is about the time it starts to happen up here. We really have not had a very warm summer. The temperature has fluctuated so much this year. Our temperatures only have been staying about 80 or above over the past 2 weeks. Will it last? We will see.

I see Melissa this week and know about what she is going to say. I spoke with Dr. Lazaro and he explained exactly what was going on. Not much can be done, only exercises to stretch the nerve. Right!

Went swimming today, the water is nice! The air was cooling off with the wind blowing, so I did not stay in to long. It was refreshing though. Cut the grass on the lower 40. That was long! Will need to cut it again. I have little cucumbers on my plants and my tomato's are large and still green. I wish they would turn soon. I would like a great tomato sandwich right about now. My girlfriend next door gave me a few of hers and they were tasty.

Started to watch a new show called Fallen last night. It was good. I am planning to watch it again. It is on Saturday and Sunday at 8 on the Family Channel. You may want to check your listings for exact time and date. Good show, try it.
Your all always on my mind and in my thoughts and prayers. Please everyone stay safe and healthy. Love to all.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

It's Wednesday!

This is a flower from my garden. Isn't it pretty!

It is Wednesday, the week is half over! It has been a busy week. John, Nan, and Mary came home on Tuesday. John had a new RC plane. It is a bit larger than the old one, and nice. The RC club is holding FREE RC flying for anyone who would like to give it a try. It is going to be held in Maryland at the RC field. Give it a try, it will be fun.

Well, I finally got the Database Processing class DONE! All I have to do is 2 projects and submit them to Professor Potter. I have already done 3 lessons in the accounting book and only 3 left to do and I am done with that class too. Say a little prayer I get these projects done quickly.

Found out it is a pinched nerve in the leg. I asked the MD what I can do for it and he said there are some exercises to do to help stretch the nerve and try to stretch the kink out. We will see, with all the bending I do, how do you stretch it any more? I have to see Melissa (PA) next week at the office.

Amy and Jason are talking about getting married on Valentines Day. She really has her heart set on it. It is a Thursday and may people have to work the next day. I told them she could still get married in the church that night early and just take immediate family to dinner, make it a very small gathering. Then in the summer, have a party for friends and family at their house. They have a pool and enough land to play badminton, etc. Amy said that the moms and Sherri will be helping with the plans. I told her to make sure that she and Jason make a list of what they want, not what everyone else wants.

Mary is getting home sick. I spoke with her and told her to see if there are any schools around where she is and see if she can get into any of them to take classes. She said she would look.

I finally get to work in Oneonta for about 1 hour in the am!

Well, it is time for bed. I will update my blog over the weekend. I wish every one a safe and healthy rest of the week. If you see any of the people listed on the right, wish them a Happy Birthday or Anniversary!

Everyone is always in my thoughts and prayers. Have a safe and healthy week.