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Wednesday, August 8, 2007

The week is half over!!!!

This was sent to me a while ago and thought you might enjoy this picture.

As in the title, the week is half over now. I am so glad. What is really scary is that I am seeing more and more leaves changing. It is really hot here. The dew point is 70 right now which is a better indicator of the moister in the air than the humidity indicator. It is pretty windy right now, with no rain in site.

Went to see Melissa today. MRI shows just what I thought it would show, same as before, 2 discs are dead, but the bones are not touching yet, when they do, I will know it. I will live with it just as I have been. The nerve in the leg is occluded and they think it may be do to a build up of pressure in the muscle. I will be seeing Cicoria in 2 weeks and discuss the problem with him.

I received my last class in the mail today. It feels weird to think I will be graduating as soon as I am done with the class. I still have 2 lessons left in the accounting book, but hope to get that done this weekend along with the project she put on the last page.

I see my yellow finch is out on the feeder right outside the window. I love to watch the birds eating the food from the feeder.

This is going to be a short post, I am tired and will be going to relax out on the swing for a while. I know it is hot, but the wind should cool me down while I swing.

As always, everyone is on my mind and in my prayers. Everyone stay safe and healthy. Love to all.

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