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Thursday, August 16, 2007

Happy Anniversary Chris and Kim!

Happy Anniversary to both of you! Ten years of marriage and 2 beautiful children.

Today is Thursday and my week at work is OVER, thank goodness. It is going to be a busy weekend. I am going to David's 3rd Birthday Party. It is hard to believe he is going to be three years old already! Kids just grow up too fast.

Then on Sunday it is off to a Bridal Shower. I am looking forward to seeing everyone at the shower. Ruth is such a beautiful person and she will make a great wife. They are getting married in November this year.

The trees are going to start to turn faster now. The temperatures are suppose to only be in the 60's on Saturday and at night, temps will be in the 40's. This should trigger the trees to begin to turn. It is hard to believe that the summer was so short. Only a few days in the 80's most of the summer was in the 70's. We hardly had time to swim.

I have not seen many geese this year. I don't know why, even a lot of the small animals are gone too. I don't know if the coyote's are attacking and killing them. I have heard them at night howling on the hills. I know conservation is giving permission to shoot the coyote's to many hunters and farmers. They have taken so many deer and fawns. Bunnies have been no where to be found around here, I have not even seen any groundhogs, skunks, possums, even raccoons out.

Everyone take care. You are all in my thoughts often. Please stay safe and healthy!

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