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Saturday, August 4, 2007

Beautiful Saturday

What a beautiful Saturday today is. I started out with getting up to fog, not bad, the sun was starting to poke through. It was cool about 63 and it looked to be a nice day.

Went over to Wally-world to get my usual shopping done. When I came home, I make a nice large cup of tea and took my computer and donut out to the swing. I sat there for quite a long time. It was so nice, the sun was out and everything was so green. I just relaxed, looked through my e-mails and other Internet usual. I just soaked in the relaxing time.

Yesterday I left work early to come home and help John. Work was slow, so I took 2 hrs personal time. John and I built five doors for the bathrooms at his church. The church was damaged in the flooding in June 2006. The day before it was the partitions. It took longer than we thought. We both went up to the church to hang them, but he ended up having help already.

The doors look good. I helped Pastor hang the men's room main door, and finished what John needed me to do. Then I came home. Tried to clean up what I could before the rains came again. My new Canopy helped out really well. It kept the table saw and miter saw dry along with all the wood and hand tools.

This was Nancy's classroom at the church. As you can see, the water was up very high in the basement. The basement had to be totally gutted and all new wood and sheet rock needed to be installed.

They have still not been able to use the classrooms downstairs yet. A lot of work still needs to be done. Please say a prayer that the work will move along quickly.

Diane and Amy have been watch the kids while Kim has been working. Both of them were so happy to see Grandma and Aunt Amy again. They missed them so much.

Great news, Timmy won his heat on Thursday at the demo derby. Roger took third place in his heat. They both were scheduled to run the feature, but they heard 4 other drivers making plans to make sure Roger did not last long. Roger knows how to build winning cars and has proved that many time over with all the first place trophies. It is bad when you can not compete fairly, you have to be just like the bully in school, get your friends to help make sure you win by force. They both decided not to compete in the feature and save the cars for another day, even though Tim's is bent like a banana right now. Tim will be driving Johns old Ford in Sundays demo derby. A Ford with a Dodge engine and transmission. Should be interesting. Good luck Timmy!!!

Two more lessons left on the Accounting class, then I start my last class before graduation. I am hoping to finish by the end of September or beginning of October. I can not wait till it is all over with. I am looking forward to down time. Back to my reading and counted cross stitching. I have been doing school for 4 years now and want to finish it soon. I really think my mom would be proud. She wanted me to go to college so bad while she was alive. I just want to for fill her dream for me, and myself.

While driving home on Friday, I saw a few trees with the beginning of turning yellow. About a sixth of the tree was yellow. The first signs of the approach of fall, even though we still have a month and a half to go until fall starts. I am now surprised that some of the trees are starting to turn. This is about the time it starts to happen up here. We really have not had a very warm summer. The temperature has fluctuated so much this year. Our temperatures only have been staying about 80 or above over the past 2 weeks. Will it last? We will see.

I see Melissa this week and know about what she is going to say. I spoke with Dr. Lazaro and he explained exactly what was going on. Not much can be done, only exercises to stretch the nerve. Right!

Went swimming today, the water is nice! The air was cooling off with the wind blowing, so I did not stay in to long. It was refreshing though. Cut the grass on the lower 40. That was long! Will need to cut it again. I have little cucumbers on my plants and my tomato's are large and still green. I wish they would turn soon. I would like a great tomato sandwich right about now. My girlfriend next door gave me a few of hers and they were tasty.

Started to watch a new show called Fallen last night. It was good. I am planning to watch it again. It is on Saturday and Sunday at 8 on the Family Channel. You may want to check your listings for exact time and date. Good show, try it.
Your all always on my mind and in my thoughts and prayers. Please everyone stay safe and healthy. Love to all.

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