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Sunday, August 19, 2007

Happy Birthday Mackenzie & David!

Happy Birthday to David and Mackenzie. Today Mackenzie is 5 years old and David is 3 years old. Boy, are they growing up fast. Mackenzie will be going in to Kindergarten in September.

Yesterday David had a family birthday party. It was fun and he received a ton of great things. Grandma and Grandpa, Aunt Jo, Nanny and Poppy, and Brandon all came down for the party. Kim made a fun cake. It had lots of monster trucks on it.

I hope Mackenzie is having a good time for her birthday also.

My garden out front has beautiful gladiolas in it. Everything is starting to die off. We are having nights in the low to mid 40's. I noticed the trees are getting a yellow hue to them now. It will not be long before they start to change. As soon as they do, I will start to include them in my blog.

The weather is going to be around 69 degrees today and partly cloudy. Looks like a chance of rain every afternoon this week. We may even get up to 82 by Friday, but cool nights.

The pool is down to 66 degrees, and I do not think we will have enough warm weather to keep the temperature up at night with out using the heater every day. I am thinking about when to close it, Labor Day weekend, but it will be up to John as to the final decision. My neighbor already took hers down. Her pool is in the picture on the left. She has a smaller pool and could not keep the temperature up without a heater and her pool is in the direct sun all day long. Days are definitely getting shorter. Now the shadows in the evening are on the garage at 6:30 pm. We are definitely heading for fall. The stores have all their fall stuff out and they are getting ready for Halloween, can you believe it! Next they will have a small section for Thanksgiving, and by the end of September I would not doubt that they will have Christmas out (which is definitely too early).

September is going to be a good time for a wedding. Best of wishes to the couple who is getting married in the month of September. Take lots of pictures! I promise I will not spill the beans of who is, but everyone already knows. I hope you both have a long, happy and loving life together. This is suppose to be the Happiest time of your life. Enjoy it and remember I am your friend, whether you want to believe it or not.

I just heard from Andy, he just found out his sister has terminal cancer. They only give her 3-6 months. She had no prior warning. The Dr. thought she had pneumonia and when that did not clear with antibiotics, the did some follow-up testing; that is when they found it. Please say a prayer for her and her family.

The shower was great. I got to see many people I have not seen in a long time. The barbecue was delicious! The shower was so much fun. Ruth got so many wonderful gifts. I really think everyone had a great time.

As always, you all are always in my thoughts and prayers. Love to everyone and stay happy, healthy and safe.

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