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Saturday, August 25, 2007

Another Short Weekend

Have a cup of happiness and love.

Here it is, another weekend that just feels too short. Yesterday, as always, I only worked a half day. I did some running around and picked up Shelly. She wanted to come down and work on her computer putting in applications for jobs. Apparently, she had some problems with a worker/trainer at Dunkin Donuts and her boss did not want to do anything about it. Her boss apparently lets quite a bit slide, including complaints from customers about this worker. So she decided rather than keep herself in a bad situation, she would leave. She gave her 2 weeks notice on Tuesday, and by the time she left on Friday, her boss told her she did not have to come back, that she hired her new replacement already. Nice way to run a business, maybe her boss should know how her managers are running their stores.

More leaves are turning it seems. When I leave work, I can see the changes in the trees. Of course they are more apparent over by Hobart than they are here. Our trees in West Oneonta are just starting to get the yellow and red hews to them. It is suppose to be 90+ here today and they are saying this is our Indian Summer, which means that fall is just a stones throw away!

I am looking forward to next week, it is only a 4 day week and a LONG weekend.

I am still trying to get caught up with school and trying to get my house cleaned. I got a small jump on it on Friday when Shelly was here, but there is still so much to do and a lot of unloading of things I DO NOT NEED! My garbage men will not be happy with all the stuff I plan on getting rid of.

I need to check on the chemicals I have for the pool to close it. Temps this week, from Tuesday on, will be getting lower and night temps will be in the mid 40's. This is not enough to keep the temp up on the pool for swimming. Right now the temp in the pool is 67, cold. Maybe I will just throw the winter cover on until I get all the chemical together, at least that will keep the leaves and apples out of the pool, but we will see. If I throw the cover on without doing the chemicals, I will still need to filter it until the chemicals are added in. I still need to talk with John first and get his imput since it is his pool.

Diane and Michael celebrated their 1st month wedding anniversary at the Tally Ho restaurant. She got the wedding party together and they all went to dinner. I hope they all had a good time.

Amy and Jason have finally decided to get married on February 16, 2007. She decided that trying to do a wedding on a Thursday was crazy, especially since everyone had to work on Friday. I still think she should do a small intimate family wedding then have a party in the summer for extended family and friends, but it is up to Amy and Jason how they want to do it, no one else.

Well, cars sure do get expensive for regular maintaince. I had a noise in the front end and John thought it might be CV joint, brakes, or tires rubbing. Well, it turned out to be brakes. I called Otsego Automotive and they were able to get me in today at 1. When the tech looked at the brakes, there was the problem. Rust corrosion -rotors-Pads worn, sliders seizing. What they did is replace disc rotors, remove caliper slides, clean them, freeup pins. Cost me 280.63, but at least the car is safe. I do not know how long it has been that way, but now it is done.

Other wise, it has been a very uneventful week. My gladiolas are looking beautiful. I cut most of them and put them on the coffee table in the living room. Everyday, I try to add to them.

This was a short and to the point post for this week. I hope everyone has a good weekend. Safe traveling for Chris and Kim, and John and Nancy.

As always, you all remain in my thoughts and prayers. Love to all.

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