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Sunday, August 12, 2007

Happy Birthday Nancy!

Saturday was Nancy's Birthday. It was a fun day.

The mail man delivered a gift from Chris, Kim and the kids just before they went to lunch. It was the neatest picture frame. It allows pictures to be shown in a slide show over and over. Chris preloaded the slide show before he sent it. There were pictures we had never seen. You can add pictures from the computer, flash drive, and camera. Nancy was thrilled with it. Great Gift Idea!!!!

John and Nan went to lunch and I went to Home Depot, forgot some things John needed to put in a new electric box.

We had Baked Macaroni and Cheese for dinner, something we all love. Then we had cake, chocolate on chocolate and Nan's favorite.

Diane called and asked what I was doing at 1 pm Sunday. I told her it was not Sunday yet. Sunday's I usually do laundry, school work and watch racing along with any other odds and ends I could not get done on Saturday. Especially this week, since I tore my house apart and moved things around. Next week I can't do it because it is David's birthday and I am going to his party on Saturday. She said she had some more wedding pictures she wanted me to see and there was someone she wanted me to meet. I hate blind dates! She told me it was Michael's brother Steve, whom I met at their wedding. He had been asking questions about me. He is 46 and retired Army. That is all she told me. I was never formally introduced to him, but deducted it was Michael's brother when he and I walked Diane down the isle. I am going to think of this as just meeting them for lunch. I feel to uncomfortable thing of it any other way, since it has been a long time since I dated, and I have not been looking for a date.

Had a good time at lunch today, Sunday. Formally met Steve. He is a very nice man. We spoke for a time while waiting for Diane and Michael to arrive. He is a very interesting person. Very knowledgeable. I had a good time. Diane also brought some more of her wedding photos. Most I have seen, but there were a few new ones. They wanted me to walk the mall with them, but I had to get back. I have been keeping an eye of Evie for Diana while they were away for the afternoon. I feel guilty being away too long.

Diane and Michael, thanks for lunch. Steve thanks for your company, I had a great time.

When I got home, I planted the mums I bought on Saturday. They needed to get into the ground. I also worked for a short time on my Accounting homework. Then it is up to cleaning up my house. I am tired to tripping over everything.

This is going to be a long week, with not enough time in it to get things done. I have to pick up a gift for Mackenzie, her birthday is Sunday also and I do not know when I will see her.

Well, this is a short note and I have so much to do.

I will keep everyone in my prayers, Please be safe and stay healthy. As always, you will remain always in my thoughts.

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