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Wednesday, August 1, 2007

It's Wednesday!

This is a flower from my garden. Isn't it pretty!

It is Wednesday, the week is half over! It has been a busy week. John, Nan, and Mary came home on Tuesday. John had a new RC plane. It is a bit larger than the old one, and nice. The RC club is holding FREE RC flying for anyone who would like to give it a try. It is going to be held in Maryland at the RC field. Give it a try, it will be fun.

Well, I finally got the Database Processing class DONE! All I have to do is 2 projects and submit them to Professor Potter. I have already done 3 lessons in the accounting book and only 3 left to do and I am done with that class too. Say a little prayer I get these projects done quickly.

Found out it is a pinched nerve in the leg. I asked the MD what I can do for it and he said there are some exercises to do to help stretch the nerve and try to stretch the kink out. We will see, with all the bending I do, how do you stretch it any more? I have to see Melissa (PA) next week at the office.

Amy and Jason are talking about getting married on Valentines Day. She really has her heart set on it. It is a Thursday and may people have to work the next day. I told them she could still get married in the church that night early and just take immediate family to dinner, make it a very small gathering. Then in the summer, have a party for friends and family at their house. They have a pool and enough land to play badminton, etc. Amy said that the moms and Sherri will be helping with the plans. I told her to make sure that she and Jason make a list of what they want, not what everyone else wants.

Mary is getting home sick. I spoke with her and told her to see if there are any schools around where she is and see if she can get into any of them to take classes. She said she would look.

I finally get to work in Oneonta for about 1 hour in the am!

Well, it is time for bed. I will update my blog over the weekend. I wish every one a safe and healthy rest of the week. If you see any of the people listed on the right, wish them a Happy Birthday or Anniversary!

Everyone is always in my thoughts and prayers. Have a safe and healthy week.

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