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Saturday, July 28, 2007

From our gardens to you

This picture is from our gardens. If you double click on the picture, it comes in closer and you can see the flowers better. I hope you enjoy this picture and all the pictures in the album. I would have taken more, but Diane's wedding is still on my camera. She said she would be over tomorrow to download the photos for her album.

Well, it has finally rained! We received more than half an inch. The flowers loved it though, as well as the grass. I cut the grass today, boy was it long. It looks nice though. The flowers just pop from the ground now.

John and Nancy are up at Ginnie's in St. Johnsville. I hope the weather is sunny for the barbecue that they are having. I am hoping all the family had a safe drive up. It is a Gerold reunion of immediate family.

Me, I am working on my Data Processing book. My last lesson to be exact. I am getting so confused. Does anyone know anything about data processing? I did receive my accounting book in the mail today. Six lessons to that course. I like Accounting, so it should go quickly, I hope.

I received my "sprinkler system" from lakeside in the mail today. I hope it works, it will save having to move the sprinklers every so many minutes. It comes with 3 sprinkler heads and 3 pieces of hose. You hook it up to the hose and you have may different types of spray.

I have not heard from Andy lately. I hope all is going well for him. Please say a prayer for things to resolve quickly.

I got to work in Oneonta on Friday! It was great not to have to drive all the way out to Hobart. Dean and I worked right up to 10:57. We only took a 5 minute break that am, just long enough to charge the forklift a little bit. When we left, we still had 8 pallets to put away, but ran out of time. Maybe next Friday, since they brought down more product this Friday. We will see.

This Wednesday I have my EMG appointment. I get to leave work one hour early. It should be interesting. Dr. Lazardo will tell me the results of my MRI when I see him. Maybe I will have some answers as to why this happened and what caused it, we will see.

East Islip made the news this week. An altar boy was caught on tape breaking in to the poor box at St. Mary's church. I am glad that they caught him.

Well, this is going to be a short post. Qualifying is on for Nextel Cup and I need to get back to homework. I will keep you all in my prayers. Please stay safe and healthy.

1 comment:

Jeanne said...

Hi Joanne,

Kathleen just wanted you to know she looked at the photos of Diane's wedding and said they were beautiful.
She said that she knows we all live far apart, but she still thinks of all of you often. Give her a call sometime if you'd like. Kathleen
(631) 265-1343